Skyway Antique Mall has its own website, a simple straightforward collection of lots of photos. You get an impression of a very large store, with a big selection that includes fine wood furniture.
Bainbridge Antiques has a page on Facebook, where they post excellent photos of the store and newly-arrived items. Here's a homey display of colorful kitchen pottery and glassware, like Fiestaware, Fire King, Russell Wright and Hull plus old crocks, etc. You can also find items from Bainbridge Antiques on eBay.
Paradise is off Hwy. 5 east of Chico. Other stores you'll see along the highway are Jeannie's Consignment, Skyway Blue and Aunt Mabel's General Store. On the way you'll pass veggie stands featuring the area's trademark olives and other locally-grown produce, and amazing red buttes that reminded me of a miniature Grand Canyon. Beautiful country!
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