We have just completed reconfiguring all the online pages of the Collector's Guide for 2011.
Now, all links have been activated in our online version, so you can explore all the stores listed in this edition, from Washington State to Arizona, and with a click go to their websites, web pages or email addresses.
And don't forget, you can now get an eBook of the edition, which is searchable! Looking for a particular type of item? You'll can instantly view the details of every store that lists that item in their merchandise (eBook only).
At the beginning of the book is a show section, carrying the year's schedule of events for dozens of antique shows...probably a show every weekend, if you like!
And if you want the hardcopy, it's now available free in all the stores and most of the shows participating in the book. Still travel-size. Only stores that support the Guide with their advertising dollars appear in the book, so if you find it useful in finding stores and shows in the Western states, whether you're using the online or hardcopy version, please mention Cochran's Collector's Guide when you visit your local store... and next year's edition may be even more complete.